Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Laugh At The Unexpected

A lot of information I read talks about how many things are funny until you begin to analyze them. However, I disagree. People who enjoy clever punny jokes analyze the jokes to actually discover more humor in it. So, why are things funny? What I learned was that most humor comes from when something is unexpected or unfamiliar. 
...yet I have watched this video multiple times, know what's going to happen and still laugh every single time. 


  1. This video is hilarious. It reminds me of the video that I posted. This is the definition of dark humor-- a little girl falling over is not supposed to be funny, but it makes people laugh.

  2. The humor in this comes from the "in your face" of the girl falling. She consequently slams her head into the bowl with blueberries already in it.

  3. I usually don't like seeing when people get hurt, but I loved the girls reaction after her sister fell.

  4. Classic food in the face humor. I think what made it funny for me was that it reminded me of my own clumsy sisters.

  5. This video definitely makes me laugh even though it's just a video of someone's disappointment. I feel like that's happened to me before so it's like me reliving a memory.

  6. I've scene this video over 10 times and I laugh every time. I enjoyed your comments on what dark humor means to you and applaud your ability to blend that with your link. If it is not the unexpected/unanticipated aspect of this video that makes it funny, what exactly is it?
