Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Common Denominator of Truth

In order to understand, at the most basic level, the history of the much debated topic of religion versus politics, I read through a WiKi page titled Relationship between Religion and Science. After reading through this page it seemed to me as if it is expected in the world to choose between the two. It seems impossible to believe in evolution AND a higher power. It's this irreconcilable conflict between knowledge and belief. In the world we live in today religion and science play very opposing roles while in Cat's Cradle they seem extremely similar. They both revolve around trying to find "truth". Bokonism, the fictional religion invented by Vonnegut, is built on lies and because of this the reader feels like Vonnegut is mocking conventional religion.
Relationship between Religion and Science

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it wonderful where curiosity may lead? It certainly has me by the hand this morning...The sooner scientists accept that some 'higher powers' don't need an explanation, the better. I have a scientifically minded friend who gets truly angry whenever I talk of the age old wisdom inherent in astrological understandings shown by a correctly drawn birth chart. Ironically, it is my understandings of the personality/potential/shortcomings displayed by his chart, and my own, that has helped me to help us remain friends despite differing opinions! Scientists will never make room for intuition because they cannot explain it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
    Somehow I couldn't help but feel a spark of like minded thinking between you and I...
