Monday, March 4, 2013

Scientific Backing vs. Blind Faith

Unfortunately, traditional religion calls for blind faith, close your eyes, and walk the line that is set forth, but do not dare to look down or open your eyes to the realities of the world, or else the entire model falls apart. Science is, at least to me, the truth; it supports it's ideas with thoroughly explained reason and evidence. This is not to say that religion is wrong, but rather that the generally accepted interpretation of Holy Books has too many holes in it's story. I believe that the majority of any holy book is not meant to be a factual representation of history, but rather it is to give its reader a moral code, to show compassion to one another, to stick together, to keep family close, to forgive those who seek to harm you, etcetera. Bokonon in the first sentence of the books of Bokonon states, "All of the true things I am about to tell you are shameless lies". This statement says it all for me, and what I believe it means is that what is to follow is a series of moral truths, told through lies, such that any individual who reads them can understand, and derive a moral code from the stories. In my opinion, this statement would be well placed at the beginning of any religious text.

The following video is meant to be Science's response to religion.

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