Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Vonnegut paper

Redefining fire and ice: Vonnegut's views
Vonnegut's words have transcended through recent years as nothing more than banned work that has no place in the classroom. It is no doubt a product of his controversial takes on the same three aspects this paper is centered on. Religion has held a special place in my heart. It has driven me to complete many good deeds as well as given me a community foothold. Vonnegut has not shaken my belief, but rather incited major inward thought and a deeper appreciation for those without the faith. Science is another animal completely; there is no way to predict the next invention or breakthrough. Vonnegut simply reinforced the belief that the method used to explain our world will ultimately destroy it. Politics can always be thrown in the same heap in both life and this novel. They have a deceptive undertone and are simply means to manipulate the people. I would venture to say that the adaptation of politics came with the corruption of religion. Science, politics, and religion have been challenged in vonneguts book but my views and all three have stayed the same.

Religion started with man. It was started as a reason to collect the masses with common hope. This hope of eternal salvation has led men to complete awful tasks in the name of The Lord. We see that as a flaw in religion and not as a flaw in man. Vonnegut has portrayed this perfectly. A small group at the head of the organization poisons the minds of the community to reach some means the benefit that group. While this is organized religion and that in no way is the same thing, it is still the same motive for this abuse of power. People also need to stop blindly following any means to salvation. These these things we call our minds are not complete. We need conflicting thought to learn, even in our religions. What is not needed is more human control over a individual activity, less suppression.

Science is an ever changing beast. We have always evolved out of our old thought processes and traditions. There are rooms for both religion and science at my table because faith without action and exploration is nothing. Vonnegut shows the basic science fiction outcome. Science has guided us through life, but now, yes, right now, it has lead us our doom. He plays with our mortality and expects, just as we do, that the demise of our world as we know it will come from our own hands. Hands bent on ending a war deemed too costly or to suppress some great oppression. Science along with religion and politics, was created by man. You do not see ducks decked out in lab coats explaining why they fly south. Rather, they just do it because it seems natural to them. We are the only organism who ask questions and build such great structures. This blessing will ultimately be our downfall. We trust so much in creations in science to do things for us we are loosing our humanity. A humanity, once fully explained, will show the need for all three.

Politics in its very definition is a mindgame. A ploy used to control masses and create false common interest. Politicians will constantly Spheail that they are for the people but look out for there personal gains. Politics has become a career instead of a duty and that will bite us later. Vonnegut has written this same opinion in much more words. He used religion to show how groups solidify their power through deception and charisma. He then went on to write about politics power on science and how is can effect how or when things are tested. The previous two ideas are wild and powerful. Politics aims to reel these in with sweet talk in order to control them. Politics has no other name than to progress the ranks and redefine what is acceptable to reach those means. Politics uses these and is therefore the least powerful. It has no body to itself but rather is a compilation of a wide range of belief systems. It has a place, in the discussion of ideas, not in the implementation.

Vonnegut has showed his views on these three. He try's to sway the populace. His way of thinking and does a beautiful job attempting.his thoughts, however, are rooted in personal pain and hardship making them hard to indentify with. He mocks the institution of religion yet I believe it would ease his soul. He brings doom in the way of science but doesn't give it praise for sustaining us for so long. Politics perhaps is the only thing I can see the direct line of Vonneguts pen to paper on. These three run our world today and need to be discussed or discovered. We have a responsibility to fully understand these concepts in order to better our world.

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