Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gotta love George Bush

i sunk your battleship b*tch

key and peele's obama anger translator sketches are always brilliant, combining high and low
 brow humor and mixing the two for a new level of hilarity

Chris Rock: Obama is White

Will Ferrell

George bush at his finest

SNL: Vice Presidential Debate 2012

Below is the link to an SNL sketch where they acted out the Vice Presidential Debate from 2012. I always think these are funny because Biden is such an awkward guy. There's a little truth to all the things they're saying, which also makes it funny. 

SNL 36 7 Royals

I chose a skit that involved the British Parliament because we just learned about the system in AP Government so I found it particularly funny. Similar to the video we watched yesterday, the facts are all true in the skit they simply take them in other directions and twist certain things around to make it comical. A "misdirection".

For some reason I can't embed the video so I'll just embed the link.

SNL 36 7 Royals

Shephen Colbert: The Word

I couldn't find it on YouTube, but I posted the link.

More Key & Peele: A take on Obama

In continuation with my last video, I've posted another popular sketch from the show Key and Peele known as Obama's Anger Translator. It's funny because it's so ridiculous, but it does actually go over some of the issues that have, at some point or another, plagued Obama's time in office.

Disclaimer: there are some expletives used in this skit so... don't watch if you're sensitive or whatever

Colbert Comedy

This has a little taste of all politics in one. Same sex Marriage. Obama. Jesus... some inappropriate comedy. Republicans. Democrats. Sports. Obesity.

Colbert PAC city

I chose this because these two men are the kings of political satire and their jokes on super PACs are downs right hilarious. This plays of an earlier skit in which Colbert realizes he can give his mass fortune in the form a super PAC to his friend while he runs for office and still be tied closely to the money. Now, this is what happens after he is no longer a candidate

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Political Sketch (SNL)

In my opinion, this skit done by Jason Sudeikis and Will Ferrell is hilarious and brings a level of comics to everyone whether it is Sudeikis's childish manner or Ferrell's really close impersonation of George Bush. Hope you find it funny like I did.

SNL: Informative and Comedic


Although the video did not show up because it's for Hulu, I feel as if this video is not only funny, but also informative of things going on in current events. It gives the viewer a general sense of what is happening in the country while adding a comedic twist.

Jack Whitehall

Funny Political Video

This makes me laugh every time I see it. It shows the ignorance of many Americans as well as the effectiveness of American propaganda - something that is not usually associated with the United States.

Epic Rap Battles of History

This video, like any humorous political clip, pokes fun of the two people who were running against each other. This clip does not seem to favor any side, because they are both refuting each other, and finally Lincoln comes and scolds them both.

When Does Comedy Cross the Line? Seth MacFarlane's Oscars

Connie Schultz - former Cleveland Plain Dealer Columnist writes on her Facebook:

How do you feel about Seth MacFarlane's behavior at the Oscars?

Writer Allison Wright weighs in. An excerpt: "There’s already been a lot of talk about Seth MacFarlane’s successes and failures as host of the 85th Annual Academy Awards. The Atlantic deemed his racist, sexist humor “banal.” The New Yorker called him out for misogyny, specifically when it comes to the workplace. Elissa Schappell called a spade a spade, writing in Salon: “On a night meant to honor and reward the best performances of the year, MacFarlane let the female Oscar nominees in on a secret: We don’t see the work you’re doing. We’re too busy staring at your tits.” Over at Vulture, Margaret Lyons told us “Why Seth MacFarlane’s Misogyny Matters.” Bitch has five changes the Oscars need to make before 2014.

"I live-tweeted the event, as I am wont to do, and I thought I was diplomatically ruthless, calling attention to disparity and sexism while also celebrating victories, however small. And yes, I did make fun of things like the disproportionate amount of attention paid to Chicago. At the end of the night, I was more upset about The Onion’s wildly out-of-line tweet about nine-year-old Quvenzhané Wallis than anything MacFarlane did or said.

"But then I logged on to Facebook today. Among the fashion recaps and reminders of the event’s overall unoriginality—jokes about how gay and Jewish the entertainment industry is? Really?—was a friend’s post suggesting those of us who were offended by the blatant misogyny, homophobia, racism, sexism, and other –isms should get over it because MacFarlane is known for this type of humor. We should all just lighten up. I responded that I wasn’t buying it; it’s not okay to be inappropriate and misogynist just because that’s what you’re known for. (Is it ever okay?) So what if people expect you to conform to the lowest common denominator? Surprise us. Rise above. Exceed expectations."

Thanks, Jennifer Mendelsohn, for sending this link.

The Undecided Voter- Political Video

I find this Saturday Night Live clip made during elections really funny. It makes fun of undecided voters to a comical extreme that we know isn't necessarily true but touches upon the idea that some people are really uneducated about politics.

Political Funny Video

Suggest Reading for 2nd Semester Seniors

Great Article from the NY Times:

I’m Admitted. Now What?

The campus of Williams College, where Will Walker has been accepted as a member of the freshman class of 2013.Nathaniel Brooks for The New York TimesThe campus of Williams College, where Will Walker has been accepted as a member of the freshman class of 2013.
The Envelope, Please
Will Walker
Will Walker, a student at University School in Hunting Valley, Ohio, is one of eight high school seniors around the world blogging about their college searches.
As the excitement of the college admissions season starts to wear down, and the realities of the second semester of my senior year start setting in, I can’t help but feel a little lost.
After all, for the first time in my (quasi) adult life, I don’t know what happens next.
Four years ago, if you would have asked the doe-eyed (and rather doughy) freshman Will Walker what his life was going to be like, he would have had told you, with the utmost confidence, the story of the next 10 years: Get perfect grades, get perfect SAT scores, get into every college in the continental United States, but reject them all to go hitchhiking across Europe while writing the great American novel. Then, after that’s all done with, maybe come back to the States, get a Ph.D., and marry rich. Life successfully completed.
Unfortunately, that’s not quite the way things turned out.
I mean, I’m not complaining. I love my school, my friends, my family, and I’m certainly going to a college that’s better than anything I ever could have ever hoped for (much less deserved).
And yet, despite all my good fortune, I’m still not exactly sure what I’m supposed to do for the rest of the year (or, for that matter, the rest of my life). Without a specific goal — a G.P.A. to reach, a debate tournament to win, a college to get into — everything has started feeling a little aimless.
And so, as a result, I’ve found myself spending the past couple of weeks more liberally — focusing on doing things for the pleasure of doing them, without the burden of planning and forethought.
For example, I’ve started to try to be more spontaneous. I’ve gone on day trips with my friends — to the art museum, the botanical gardens, even to local Amish country — just to try and take advantage of what my city has to offer, to enjoy Cleveland for what it is before I get up and leave it (probably) forever.
I’ve also started doing the work that I want to do again: Pleasure-reading, creative writing, even a (perhaps misguided) stab at short film making. And, to be perfectly honest, the last couple weeks have been great. I love having time to myself again; I love feeling like I can really start experiencing life before my high-school career ends forever.
But not everyone sees it my way. Some, for instance, have accused me of contracting senioritis, that wretched disease that leaves so many grade reports, and college acceptances, in its wake.
But I’m not sure that prognosis is very accurate. After all, I haven’t become passive because of my college acceptance. I haven’t become lazy, or lethargic, or apathetic. If anything, all my admissions decision has done is give me a little bit of perspective — remind me of the things that are really important to me, the things I really care about.
And so, while the past couple of months may have been a little bit aimless, they’ve also been, in their own way, pretty enlightening. Because, even though I don’t have to stress as much about getting the grade, or writing the essay, or acing the test, I’ve learned that the more rewarding — and maybe the more important work — happens on the things that matter to me, the things that I’m going to hold dear for the rest of my life: my personal growth, my intellectual development, and my relationships.
Maybe that makes all the aimlessness worth it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Political Sketch and Bush - Charnley and Joe

We chose this cartoon because it is making fun of the ignorance and paranoia many American's have about Obama's policies.

This one is a little less is making fun of the "incident" from a couple of years ago with Bush and an Iraqi citizens shoe.

HWK: Tonight find a video on youtube...

Political SNL clip (Weekend Update), Daily Show, etc.

Consider watching this...

Comedy: Sweeping the nation faster than Spanish

We chose this picture because the debated about gay marriage has been constantly disputed on broadcasts and many social media websites. This took a different spin on the idea of why people would like to ban gay rights permanently, confusing many Americans. We thought this was particularly amusing because it shows ignorance in the public eye.

Fiscal Cliff cartoons appealed to us because the visual affect is pretty obvious and makes a big impact. The alleged "fiscal cliff" has irritated the public by taking a center stage in the news and we had little trouble choosing one out of the three hundred on Google. 

Maddy and Nicky

Max's choice: This comic is about Slick Willy. I have always been a big fan of any person in the spotlight getting down and dirty. This comic cracks me up because I can see this actually happening when he was in office. Just like the video there is an element of honesty to the joke.

Haley- so I chose this comic because I thought it was simple but still funny. Kind of reminded me of something Will Ferrell would say, or a line from saturday night live.

Politic Art

The first cartoon ties in with the previous climate cartoon viewed on Ted Talk. This is blunt and humorous at the same time.

This cartoon also ties in with the Ted Talk video. We thought this cartoon was funny, because Sarah Palin is not the most well-liked person.
By: Annie & Brianna

John A. And Kevin H.

For the first photo, I selected it because It's poking at how most people pay more attention to what's on tv than the people running our country.

For the second photo: Because most people believe that Obama didn't get anything that he was supposed to get done during his first four years done, and the table shows all of his excuses for why it's not finished.

For the third photo: This picture is funny due to the shoes that were thrown at him when he was in the Middle East.

Matt and Bill political Cartoons

From Reality Wired

This cartoon is suppose to be funny because when American soldiers "left" the Middle East, they only left Iraq to move into Iran for other 'political reasons'.

From The New Yorker

"And he inflates the dollar to make us poor" - says the president of China.

Griffin And Kevin (Ly)'s Cartoons

Political Graffiti

I chose this image because it shows the irony in how we look up to some "star" athletes who perhaps aren't what we hold them to be.

Political Humor

I chose this cartoon because I was shocked when I heard Obama won a Nobel prize. I think this cartoon easily explains why I was shocked.

"This is ignorance."-John

Political Cartoons- Rob and Andie

I like this political cartoon because it has the edgy comedy that I enjoy and it makes satire out of the past political candidacy. It subtly begs the question: are EITHER of them really the better choice?


I chose this one because it makes fun of how oblivious some people are to climate change and environmental issues. While we're filling up on gas, animals are losing their habitat.

In Class Research Assignment: Post Political Cartoons

From The New Yorker

1. Google Two Political Cartoons
2. Post to blog (Use URL to embed the image)
3. Brief explanation in terms of context and why you selected it.

 Does Humor

Chris Bliss talks about comedy:
Now comedy travels along a distinct wavelength from other forms of language. If I had to place it on an arbitrary spectrum, I'd say it falls somewhere between poetry and lies. And I'm not talking about all comedy here, because, clearly, there's plenty of humor that colors safely within the lines of what we already think and feel. What I want to talk about is the unique ability that the best comedy and satire has at circumventing our ingrained perspectives -- comedy as the philosopher's stone.

The Daily Show
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin
Click here for more on Joel Pett's environmental cartoons

Final words from Chris Bliss' TED talk:
And this cartoon hit the bull's eye. Shortly after the conference was over, Joel got a request for a signed copy from the head of the EPA in Washington whose wall it now hangs on. And not long after that, he got another request for a copy from the head of the EPA in Californiawho used it as part of her presentation at an international conference on climate change in Sacramento last year. And it didn't stop there. To date, Joel's gotten requests from over 40 environmental groups, in the United States, Canada and Europe. And earlier this year, he got a request from the Green Party in Australia who used it in their campaign where it became part of the debate that resulted in the Australian parliament adopting the most rigorous carbon tax regime of any country in the world. (Applause) That is a lot of punch for 14 words. 
So my suggestion to those of you out here who are seriously focused on creating a better world is to take a little bit of time each day and practice thinking funny, because you might just find the question that you've been looking for.

More quotes.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Funny video

Just watch

Mr deity

This video covers God making decisions about the world before it begins.

Animal House - Funny Stuff


This scene from Animal House is a prime example of dark humor. The horse is not supposed to come to harm, however it does and makes this even funnier.

Another funny video...

I just saw this video this morning and thought it was one of the funniest videos I have seen in a long time...

Ultimate Revenge


This video is the perfect example of a imaginative payback!

Why do I find this so funny...?


This video pokes fun at all the misconceptions about rap battles and also has really quotable lines

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Train Horn Prank

I can't get enough of this video - who would even think of doing something like this?

My name is Vermin, Vermin Supreme

So this nut job, who knows he is a nut job, like to make fun of politics by being completely ridiculous. Just watch it... and if you have time, watch the music video remake (featuring other funny stuff!)

And here is the Music rendition

I think to myself--don't laugh. But I can't.

This video is sort of similar to the video I posted the last time we were asked to do an assignment like this. While watching clip, I knew I should not have laughed, but I couldn't help it, which basically defines dark humor. I don't want to spoil the movie by talking about it more in-depth, so just watch!

My Type of Comedy

This is from a show called Key & Peele, which I often watch and can't help but laugh every time. They do have their occasional miss, but 9 times out of 10 I find that their timing and general material appeals to my type of dark humor. Hope you enjoy

(And if you thought that this was funny, here's another:

I Laugh Every Time

The girl gets frustrated with her singing and her freak out is really funny. I feel bad for her as she gets frustrated enough to cry but it's still hilarious because she's so dramatic. It could be funnier to me because I can picture my little sister doing this.

funny video

Here a a video of a little boy who is obsessed with video games. He starts freaking out which is the funniest part, and it's all real. Enjoyyy!

So It Goes by Bill, John, and Max

So It Goes (Nicky)

So it Goes Video

Friday, February 15, 2013



Yesterday was Valentine's Day - a day of love and joy.

Here's a romantic short film that will make you laugh and smile:

 But Valentine's day can be tough for some...

This is the story of an advisor at Middlebury sharing pearls of wisdom to a girl with a broken heart. We can learn much from this tale.

Holy Cow Lisa from Bianca Giaever on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Kurt Vonnegut on How to Write a Short Story [or short film]

This advice applies for making a short film.

No less than a minute - no more than 2 minutes!

Monday, February 11, 2013

song proyecto

Max Fausnight
English IV
Mr. O’Brien

1.) Daddy’s Lambo- Yelawolf

In this song Yelawolf a poor redneck from Alabama talks about trying to be with a rich girl. I think this applies well to the story because Billy is a less fortunate man who marries a wealthy woman and any success he has is derived from that fact. He is given a house and a job from her father which, especially in those days, defined a man. Although Billy is content with his marriage it is clear to me that he simply settled with this woman.

2.) Discovery Channel- Bloodhound Gang

This song, although mildly inappropriate, grasps Billy’s time in Tralfamadore well. This song relates to that scenery mainly because both the Tralfamadorians and the Bloodhound Gang place humans and animals on the same level. This song references watching animals having sex just as the Tralfamadorians watch Billy the animal. It truly puts things in perspective because at first, the reader might think it brutal or strange that the aliens would want to watch that but on the other hand, humans do the exact same thing.

3.) Warrior Song
I choose this song because it is exactly the opposite of the way a Billy is. This song is one of those songs used to get boys excited to join the service but in reality, it is a little bit different. Billy, a boy, is struck with fear and low on hope his entire time during the War but at home most of the people that knew him probably thought he was as excited as this song. It is quite an interesting dynamic to consider the age of most of the men who participated in WWII and how the stories are conveyed later on.

4.) CCR- Fortunate Son
This song encapsulates Billy very well. “Fortunate Son” by Creedence Clearwater Revival describes the tensions between the different classes during Vietnam War era. Even though these two Wars were very different this song focuses specifically on the bias of the Draft which took place in both Wars. These singers explain their dissatisfaction with the fact that many wealthy more “fortunate” sons were getting the pass in the Draft. I think this speaks well to Billy and Vonnegut because neither of them volunteered but rather were drafted into the War. Both of their lives were completely changed because of what they experienced in the War that had nothing to do with originally.

5.) Old School - Little Town in Old County Down
(Cannot Find Lyrics but they are not important anyways)

The actual words to this song do not really have anything to do with the story but they style in which is sung does. This group is a Barbershop Quartet which in the book is one of the most memorable scenes involving music. As it says in the book, just the idea of the quartet overwhelmed him and after listening, one could see how this hypnotic style of singing could overpower a mind.

6.) Warrior- Kid Rock

This song is similar to the Warrior song because of its prideful and positive outlook of service. In the music video you can see American Soldiers almost as if they were superheroes which in reality, is not very similar to the actual War experience. I think this song just like the other one, speaks well to the very first part we read in Slaughterhouse 5. The man’s wife cried out, “you were just babies” explaining that what they experienced was nothing like the War Stories told on home soil.

7.) Folsom Prison Blues- Johnny Cash

I chose this song because although Johnny Cash did not write this song about war he wrote it when he was in the service at war. I think he expressed his opinions about the service through this song which reflect upon Billy’s feelings similarly. Even though Folsom prison is a real place, one could argue that in this case, Cash is using the prison as a metaphor for his position in the Air Force.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Possible Playlist- Slaughterhouse-Five

#1. Can't Buy Me Love- The Beatles
This song symbolizes how the marriage of Valencia and Billy Pilgrim wasn't necessarily of love story. Part of the reason why Billy possibly married her is because her family had a lot of money. I would play this song during the part where Billy looks at her and questions why he married her. 

#2. I'll Fly Away- Alison Krauss
I would play this song when Billy dies because it's a song showing the peacefulness about death. This message is very similar to the belief of the Tralfamadorians.

#3. You Can Call Me Al- Paul Simon
This song is about a man becoming less selfish and realizing the importance of friendship. I would play this part at the scene in the movie where Edgar Derby and Billy first meet and become acquaintances. "You Can Call Me Al" because it would be a good cheery song to have in the middle of a relatively depressing story. 

#4. Far Away- Ingrid Michaelson
"Far Away" is a song about a new, dream life far away in another place. This pretty much sums up what Billy Pilgrim wants when he meets Montana on Tralfamadore and is living a happy life. 

#5. Sleepy Head- Passion Pit
I would definitely play this song during parts where Billy Pilgrim was making quick switches in time. This song has a sort of sci-fi sound to it and is very catchy!

#6. White Winter Hymnal- Fleet Foxes
This song really touches on the subject of white snow and is a little depressing. It reminds me of the part where Billy is first starting his journey in the battle part of the war. He meets the three musketeers and just wants to get out of there.

#7. Mountain Sound- Of Monsters and Men
I would play this song during the part where Billy is walking into Dresden for the first time because this song has an adventurous tone to it. 

Supplementary Playlist

#1: Matisyahu - One Day


#2: Bob Dylan - The Answer is blowing in the wind

#3: The Cranberries - Zombie

These three songs highlighted the theme of anti-war that was emphasized multiple times in Slaughterhouse-Five

#4: Vera Lynn - We will meet again

Shows the common emotion of the people in the United States towards WWII during the war: most people wanted the war to end early.

#5: USA Military March Song
No Lyrics
#6: Bear McCreary - Prelude to War No Lyrics

These two songs underline the atmosphere of the battlefield, which matches well with the initial encounters with Billy Pilgrim

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Playlist for Slaughterhouse Five

#1. Zombie by The Cranberries
I chose this song to start the playlist because of the first lyrics I heard “And the violence caused such silence” That made me immediately think of the Dresden bombing, when Billy and the other soldiers came out from the slaughter room to see the destruction of the city. Going along with the war link, the lyrics in the song say, “With their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns.” Reminded me of Billy in war fighting for his country. Another reason of why I chose this song was the chorus, “In your head....” it quickly linked to Billy time travelling in his head. All these different things happening in his head that no one else understands.For example how he sees the plane crash occurring before the plane even takes off. As the cranberries say, its all “in his head.”

#2. Brothers In Arms by Dire Straits
This is a runner up song for which song resembles Slaughterhouse Five. One lyric caught my ear, “There’s so many different worlds, so many different suns, and we have just one world but we live in different ones” As soon as I heard that one I thought of Billy and his different worlds, ie. Tralfamadore.

#3. Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money.
This is a classic song, I love it, instead of having lyrics that match to the book there is a overall concept. Take me home tonight made me think instantly to the scene of Billy in the boxcar, not wanting to be in the war. Wanting to be home and not bothered by the 3 musketeers or Paul Lazzaro.

#4. Montana by Frank Zappa
This one I looked for, I thought that Montana Wildhack was the person that made Billy’s experience at Tralfamadore. Although this song talks about going to the state Montana, it reminded me of Billys lover in Slaughterhouse Five.

#5. Know Your Enemy by Green Day
For me this song highlights the people who don't get along in Slaughterhouse Five. The main one is Paul Lazzaro and Billy Pilgrim. This feud later leads to the death of Billy. As Green Day would say, “Do you know your enemy?” Billy did know his enemy but because the Tralfamadorians couldn't’ fix the end of the world Billy couldn’t change his death.

#6. Billy, Don’t Be a Hero by Paper Lace
The title is the main reason why I chose the song. Billy wouldn’t be a hero no matter what, he didn’t want to be in the war to begin with. He wanted the three musketeers to leave him behind. So in a way the title is funny because Billy was far from ever being a hero throughout the whole novel and movie of Slaughterhouse Five.

#7. 21 Guns by Green Day
So a lyric that stood out was, “Lay down your arms, give up the fight” which made me think of Slaughterhouse Five the time Billy and Ronald Weary are wrestling and they look up to see German Shepherds with soldiers standing over them. At that point they had to put their arms down and give up.