Thursday, February 7, 2013

Playlist for Slaughterhouse Five

#1. Zombie by The Cranberries
I chose this song to start the playlist because of the first lyrics I heard “And the violence caused such silence” That made me immediately think of the Dresden bombing, when Billy and the other soldiers came out from the slaughter room to see the destruction of the city. Going along with the war link, the lyrics in the song say, “With their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns.” Reminded me of Billy in war fighting for his country. Another reason of why I chose this song was the chorus, “In your head....” it quickly linked to Billy time travelling in his head. All these different things happening in his head that no one else understands.For example how he sees the plane crash occurring before the plane even takes off. As the cranberries say, its all “in his head.”

#2. Brothers In Arms by Dire Straits
This is a runner up song for which song resembles Slaughterhouse Five. One lyric caught my ear, “There’s so many different worlds, so many different suns, and we have just one world but we live in different ones” As soon as I heard that one I thought of Billy and his different worlds, ie. Tralfamadore.

#3. Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money.
This is a classic song, I love it, instead of having lyrics that match to the book there is a overall concept. Take me home tonight made me think instantly to the scene of Billy in the boxcar, not wanting to be in the war. Wanting to be home and not bothered by the 3 musketeers or Paul Lazzaro.

#4. Montana by Frank Zappa
This one I looked for, I thought that Montana Wildhack was the person that made Billy’s experience at Tralfamadore. Although this song talks about going to the state Montana, it reminded me of Billys lover in Slaughterhouse Five.

#5. Know Your Enemy by Green Day
For me this song highlights the people who don't get along in Slaughterhouse Five. The main one is Paul Lazzaro and Billy Pilgrim. This feud later leads to the death of Billy. As Green Day would say, “Do you know your enemy?” Billy did know his enemy but because the Tralfamadorians couldn't’ fix the end of the world Billy couldn’t change his death.

#6. Billy, Don’t Be a Hero by Paper Lace
The title is the main reason why I chose the song. Billy wouldn’t be a hero no matter what, he didn’t want to be in the war to begin with. He wanted the three musketeers to leave him behind. So in a way the title is funny because Billy was far from ever being a hero throughout the whole novel and movie of Slaughterhouse Five.

#7. 21 Guns by Green Day
So a lyric that stood out was, “Lay down your arms, give up the fight” which made me think of Slaughterhouse Five the time Billy and Ronald Weary are wrestling and they look up to see German Shepherds with soldiers standing over them. At that point they had to put their arms down and give up.


  1. Well I HAD to comment on this playlist because I am in love with Eddie Money. I completely understand why you chose that song and I would've never thought to use it. It actually makes me think of Billy not wanting to be in war, but also wanting to be back with his mistress, trying to keep hold of reality as much as he can while he's jumping back and forth in time.

  2. I like your feature song i think it really represents the scene very well and injects emotion directly into the heart of the scene. Like your other choices as well especially 21 guns and the pun in Billy dont be a hero. 21 guns is a very powerful song and will represent this film well and the other has a very nice pun, to add dark humour to the topic.

  3. The playlist is mainly focused on the war and time traveling, which constitutes the two major factors of Slaughterhosue-five. The songs against war are very distinct and unique, as well as those focusing on time traveling. Especially, the connection between the song "Montana" and Montana Wildhack sets the innovation of this playlist. Also, the theme of dark humor was very well embodied in the playlist.
