Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Daniel Tosh is the king of dark stand up comedy. Here are three quotes from Tosh involving dark humor (it was difficult to find three pg-13 quotes). 

 The day I notice a cyclist obey a stop sign is the day I'll stop enjoying watching them bounce off my hood. 

 Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. 

"Don't you love it when people in school are like, "I'm a bad test taker"? You mean, you're stupid. Oh, you struggle with that part where we find out what you know? Oh. No, no, I can totally relate. See, because I'm a brilliant painter, minus my God-awful brushstrokes. Oh, how the masterpiece is crystal up here
[points to head]
but once paint hits canvas, I develop Parkinson's."

Although he may occasionally exceeded societies comfort level/ line of decency (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/10/daniel-tosh-rape-joke-laugh-factory_n_1662882.html)... Daniel tosh continues to rock the free world through extreme sarcasm and occasionally offensive jokes.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post a lot. I think this type of dark humor is very sarcastic and that's why we laugh. We all know someone who says these things and we, too, may even be guilty. These quotes make people laugh because they're somewhat outrageous but still funny to imagine. My favorite is the third quote given.
