Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Save Our Republic"

One of three stickers on the back of Billy's Cadillac was the bumper sticker "Impeach Earl Warren." As the book said, this was a gift from Billy's father in law, who belonged to the John Birch Society.

The John Birch Society is a very radically right winged political group that formed in 1958, and became popular in the 1960's. They were very anti-communism, and wanted very little political interference. In the 1960's, many chapters of the John Birch Society had formed all over the nation and became heavily involved in protest, including a protest to impeach Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren.

Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren was acting as a Justice when many cases of civil rights, corrupt police officers, and division of church and state. Many jokingly called him the 'Superchief" and protested for his impeachment. He eventually retired in 1969 after a long legacy of ruling over many things that conservatives were annoyed about. The John Birch society considered him a friend of the communist.

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