Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dark Humor

Here is a quotation from an article titled "Black Comedy in Kubrick's Films." The author gives a brief definition of black comedy/dark humor and then explains how Kubrick uses dark humor in some of his films. I think we will be watching a Kubrick movie later in this course and this quotation serves as a short introduction to his film style....

"Black comedy, also called dark comedy/humor, is a sub-genre of comedy that presents serious matters in a more laughable way. Movies of this genre are not necessarily comedies at heart; many times, a very serious movie is classified as part of this genre because of the amount of satirical and sarcastic elements it contains (e.g., Full Metal Jacket). Satire, sarcasm, irony, fatalism, and absurdity are just a few of the elements of dark humor, but it can be difficult to determine what comprises a dark comedy when comparing a film like Full Metal Jacket to one like Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb, the latter of which is clearly a comedy. There are, in actuality, two types of dark comedy films, and Kubrick utilized both: black comedies in which comedy is the predominant genre and black comedies in which drama is the predominant genre."
Here is the link to the rest of the article.

I'm not sure what happened to the cat in this video but I think it is an example of dark humor....


  1. The reason people feel funny at animal movements or human "fails" are generally led by the universal tendency to laugh at others with intelligence level lower than the "spectator". Obviously, this tendency is driven by purely selfish motives, since the relief (through laughing) is based upon others being hurt or fooled. This constitute the essence of black humor, as it stimulates such appetite of laughing at failures.

  2. In order to fully appreciate this video, the audience needs to know Kubrick's films. Yes, it's funny when the cat jumps - yet there's a deeper appreciation since it's contrary to the music and Kubrick whose dark leaning's (think Jack saying "Who's Johnny?") would not have such a scene.

    Also if you're a cat lover/hater, you may react differently to this clip.

  3. I feel as if this video would be the type that could universally be regarded as funny. First, the music just gives the entire video the perfect build up. Second, cats are regarded by most as "cute." And then the look on the cat's face is almost human in its determination as it slowly approaches the ledge. It creeps over, gives one more seemingly rehearsed glance to the camera and then finally... BAM! It misses. Terribly. The build up does eventually pay off for the viewer as we see the cat fall. But it's cool, cats always land on their feet.... right?

  4. I think the main reason i find this video amusing is the fact that i don't particular like cats, the music is one of the main reasons why this video makes an impact as it really exaggerates a single part of the video.

  5. Starting of slow, the video clip just suddenly becomes hilarious when the cat jumps of the wall. This was helped by the music and when the guy screams as the cat jumps.
