Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What's funny anyways?

When Googling "comedy", "humor", and "what's funny?", I found out that they are all synonymously intertwined. Something that makes you laugh deals with humor and you obviously find it funny which makes it comedic. Basically anyone can be a comedian, but the how long a person can keep the jokes flowing proves how great of a comedian one is. Humor deals with the ability to make someone laugh like how something funny does as well, but comedy is work that is intended to please an audience. I learned (with the help of Google) that there are different levels of humor and how they are approached vocally and through movement to audiences of different ages.

I'll admit that my sense of humor is has a weird range. I like jokes that are extremely straight forward and jokes that require thought, but I absolutely hate dumb, obvious jokes where you can guess the punch line or you know that someone's going to slip and fall on a banana peel. I like jokes and skits that are witty.


  1. At the beginning I didn't find it funny enough to make me laugh. As the video continued, peoples' reactions became funnier which made me laugh a lot! !

  2. I like this video because it isn't the kind of gruesome humor that we watched in the first few videos during class. It's funny to witness the people's reactions to an abnormal event.

  3. I love this video, nice job mads. I love seeing reactions of people when it comes to pranks.

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed the video throughout. What I found the most funny was the reactions that the man elicited from all of the window operators, though it did make me wonder: what would have happened if the driver had gone to upscale neighborhoods and pulled this joke? Would it have been quite as funny without the reactions of people who exhibited lower education? Answer: doubtful. Also, my favorite part was at the end when I noticed that the man got away with not paying for the food.
